What to expect 

Find out what to expect at the Bendigo Law Courts including:

  • building entries
  • building facilities and the services available
  • what you can and cannot bring into the building.

For court users

View transcript

For court professionals (legal and support services)

View transcript

How much time you’ll need 

On your hearing day you may have to wait before your hearing is called if you are attending the Children’s Court, Magistrates’ Court or VCAT. This can be for many reasons such as delays to earlier cases or processes that need to happen before your hearing. If you are attending a hearing in the County or Supreme Courts, please proceed to the allocated courtroom.

If you're attending the Bendigo Law Courts for jury service visit the Juries Victoria website(Opens in a new tab/window) for information.

You may need to make arrangements with your work, and organise childcare as there is no childcare at the Bendigo Law Courts. There is a parent’s room for changing and breastfeeding if you need to bring your children. Visit the building directory to find location details.

It’s also a good idea to bring something to pass the time. Water and vending machines are also available for refreshments. Please take note of the conditions of entry on what you can and can't bring to the building.

The Bendigo Law Courts staff cannot give legal advice.

If you're thinking of taking legal action or getting involved in a legal matter, it's important to consider seeking independent legal advice before proceeding. 

You may also find the Victoria Law Foundation's legal glossary(Opens in a new tab/window) useful to help understand legal language.

The following organisations can provide legal advice and information. Some services are free. Some may require you to pay a fee.

Victoria Legal Aid

Contact Victoria Legal Aid(Opens in a new tab/window) who can help answer your legal questions and, in some cases, give free legal advice to people who need it most. Visit their website to search for legal information and use their Legal Help Chat(Opens in a new tab/window), or you can call them on 1300 792 387. 

Visit the Legal and support services page for information about the Duty Lawyer/Victoria Legal Aid service provided at the Bendigo Law Courts.

Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service

If you are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, you may be able to access legal advice through the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service(Opens in a new tab/window) (VALS). Call 1800 064 865.

Visit the Victoria Aboriginal Legal Service information on the Legal and support services page for information about the service provided at the Bendigo Law Courts.

Community Legal Centres

Community legal centres can provide free legal advice and support on some matters. There are centres across Victoria that can help with family violence, family law, tenancy and housing. The Federation of Community Legal Centres(Opens in a new tab/window) can put you in contact with the centre closest to you.

Visit the Legal and support services page for information about the Loddon Campaspe Community Legal Centre service provided at the Bendigo Law Courts.

Justice Connect

Justice Connect works with pro bono (no fee) lawyers to provide legal information, advice and representation for people in our community. You can apply for legal help for a range of services listed on their website(Opens in a new tab/window).

Law Institute of Victoria 

Contact the Law Institute of Victoria to find a lawyer(Opens in a new tab/window) or other professional such as a mediator or arbitrator. They offer a free referral service.

Consumer Action Law Centre

Contact the Consumer Action Law Centre(Opens in a new tab/window) for free, independent, and confidential advice for a range of consumer and financial issues such as debt collection, banking or credit disputes, public transport fines and insurance.

Book an interpreter

If you need an interpreter, you must arrange one 48 hours before your hearing. Read more about the process on the Legal and support services page

Safety and security

The safety and security of all courts and tribunal users is important for everyone who comes to the Bendigo Law Courts. Learn about the safety and security available in the building.

Bringing family and friends

You are welcome to bring a family member or friend to provide you support and company. They cannot speak on your behalf during your hearing.

Court Network volunteers can help. Call 1800 571 239 or read more on the Court Network support provided on the Legal and support services page.

Building accessibility

Learn about the accessible facilities and services available in the building such as wheelchair access and hearing support, and where to ask for help at the Bendigo Law Courts.

Reviewed 2 May 2024