This information may help you to reduce the chances of someone finding out that you’ve visited this website or other websites. Please note that these actions may not completely hide your visit. You may want to consider using a device at a local library, at work, or from a trusted friend.
To learn more about your online safety, read the eSafety Commissioner website(Opens in a new tab/window) and the eSafety Online safety planning page(Opens in a new tab/window).
Select required details
Delete internet browser history
This information may help you remove your internet browser history.
Technology is always changing so check the instructions for your specific browser for accurate results.
These links provide information for desktop browsers and include details for other platforms (e.g. tablet, phone).
Google Chrome(Opens in a new tab/window)
Apple Safari(Opens in a new tab/window)
Microsoft Edge(Opens in a new tab/window)
Internet Explorer(Opens in a new tab/window) (please note this browser is no longer supported by Microsoft)
Private browsing
When you use private browsing, your internet browsing history is not recorded and your passwords and auto-filled information are not saved.
Technology is always changing so check the instructions for your specific browser for accurate results.
These links provide information for desktop browsers and include details for other platforms (e.g. tablet, phone).
Google Chrome(Opens in a new tab/window)
Apple Safari(Opens in a new tab/window)
Reviewed 7 December 2023